While reading the first chapter, we as group liked how the author, John Green, portrays each character and their personalities. The main character, Hazel Grace, and the other character, Augustus Waters, have different personalities and that's what draws them together. Having that chemistry between the two of them makes a major statement at the end of chapter one. Hazel went from being used to her cancer and the same routine, to seeing something else worth her attention and time. Augustus brought excitement to her real life rather than the books she always read.
John Green uses first person with the main character, Hazel Grace, to set the tone of the first chapter of this novel "The Fault in Our Stars". Throughout this chapter everything is seen in Hazel's perspective. The way way she describes herself and life around her, she's become a conformist. Hazel has accepted her cancer and the condition that she is in. She basis her life on the cancer. When Hazel describes herself in a physical manner, for example, "I was wearing old jeans, which had once been tight but now sagged in weird places...........I had this pageboy haircut, and I hadn't even bother, to like, brush it."(page 9), she's explaining that she walked out the house without a care. She didn't much care for the Support Group to groom herself. Her demeanor comes off as not caring much for anything outside her home. As Hazel stated earlier "The Support Group was depressing as hell."( page 4) She already has no interest in the Support Group because in her eyes it's depressing, so for her to dress up for the meeting would be pointless.
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